No Smoking Policy


No Smoking Policy

Smoking could result in fire incident and the ultimate loss in resources/money.

To avoid this, RTCS staff should not smoke in and around any worksite. The safety department will ensure that all staff upholds this policy strictly.

Violation shall attract appropriate penalty. Use of Personal Protective Equipment by every Employee of RTCS is expected to follow all safety guidelines, wear and use as directed by appropriate personal safety gear and equipment.

RTCS shall replace equipment damage through normal wear and tear or through work activities.

Also read ...

The company is committed to ensuring clean and healthy environment especially in the course of work. We must take environmental sanitation programmed seriously.

Waste constitute environmental nuisance if not property collected, handled and disposed. Waste shall therefore be collected, handled and dispose of in an environmentally safe manner so as not to cause injury or damage to plants, animals and the environment (the soil, water and air).

Industrial and kitchen wastes shall be collected in bins marked accordingly. In remote locations, biodegradable wastes shall be disposed of in pits and pits.