Environmental / Waste Management Policy


Environmental Waste Management Policy

The company is committed to ensuring clean and healthy environment especially in the course of work. We must take environmental sanitation programmed seriously.

Physical factors in the environment do influence health at work. These are lighting, ventilation humidity and effect of extremes of temperature.

Every effort will be concentrated toward the minimization of dust release, structure use and disposal of kitchen waste.

To this end, all waste are segregated into bio-degradable, solid waste and observe all local and national rule and regulations on waste disposal.

It is expected of every employee to provide health and hygiene acceptable conditions both at home and work.

It is essential that individuals are aware and actively participate in the company arrangement for the control and supervision of our hearth and safety at work and of our client.

Also read ...

The company is committed to ensuring clean and healthy environment especially in the course of work. We must take environmental sanitation programmed seriously.

Waste constitute environmental nuisance if not property collected, handled and disposed. Waste shall therefore be collected, handled and dispose of in an environmentally safe manner so as not to cause injury or damage to plants, animals and the environment (the soil, water and air).

Industrial and kitchen wastes shall be collected in bins marked accordingly. In remote locations, biodegradable wastes shall be disposed of in pits and pits.