HSE Management Commitment


HSE Management Commitment

For effective implementation of HSE there shall be an HSE management committee, which shall take overall decision on HSE issues. The GM head the committee.

Other members of the committee are:

  • HSE Coordinator
  • Project Coordinator
  • Project Manager
  • Material Supervisor
  • Project Engineer

The project HSE management committee shall be charged with the following responsibilities:

  • They shall attend monthly HSE meetings.
  • They shall be involved in training of staff.
  • They shall give periodic safety talks as may be scheduled.
  • They shall be involved in incident investigation and review.
  • Nomination and ratification of staff fo HSE awards.

Policy and Strategic Objectives

Management and staff of RTCS shall be guided by the under listed HSE policies in the course of running its projects. These policies shall form the framework for setting and reviewing HSE objectives and targets that will commit RTCS to continuous efforts to improve HSE performance.

Strategic Objectives:

  • To reduce environmental incidents.
  • To evolve an effective means of waste management/handling in order to mitigate any environmental nuisance.
  • To encourage and promote good health of personnel.
  • To improve the level of competence of personnel via in-house trainings.
  • To encourage and promote accident prevention program and activities.

Quality Objective

To achieve and maintain the required level of assurance the Managing Director & Chief operating officer retains responsibility for the Quality system with routine operation controlled by the Project Manager.

The objective of the Quality Assurance System are:

  • To maintain an effective Quality Assurance System compactable with International Standard ISO 9001 (Quality Systems).
  • To achieve and maintain a level of quality which enhances the Company’s reputation with customers.
  • To ensure compliances with relevant statutory and safety requirements.
Also read ...

The company is committed to ensuring clean and healthy environment especially in the course of work. We must take environmental sanitation programmed seriously.

Waste constitute environmental nuisance if not property collected, handled and disposed. Waste shall therefore be collected, handled and dispose of in an environmentally safe manner so as not to cause injury or damage to plants, animals and the environment (the soil, water and air).

Industrial and kitchen wastes shall be collected in bins marked accordingly. In remote locations, biodegradable wastes shall be disposed of in pits and pits.